Political Viewpoint

Recently “Republican” Mayor of Fargo Dennis Walaker endorsed Rep. Earl Pomery for another term in congress.
The video clip shows the mayor in his usual navy blue sport-coat and white shirt, in the background are images of the Red River flood and the very familiar images of flood-fighting efforts.

Walaker speaks “I personally endorse Earl Pomeroy to continue his work in Congress because we need him there”, “It’s good for the people of Fargo to understand they have somebody on their side.”

One of Pomeroy’s campaign promises was to assist Fargo and all of the Red River Valley control the mighty Red River.  One of the biggest issues for the economic future of Fargo is procuring permanent flood control for the city.

Walaker’s endorsement of Pomeroy didn’t have the desired effect.  Rick Berg received the endorsement of by former Fargo mayor Bruce Furness and the support of nearly every Republican in the state. During our interview with the mayor he expressed to Shelby that his political endorsements cross party lines.  He told Shelby “I also endorsed North Dakota Governer John Hoeven for the state’s Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.”  Walaker expressed his disappointment with the U.S. Congress.  “They don’t have a good process of representing their constituency”, “They only represent their party, and I have a big disagreement with that,” he said.  He stated that the history of North Dakota politics show that political affiliations vary because it is based on the individual and not the party line”

Where does the mayor think North Dakota is headed as far as the economy is concerned?

Why does Fargo do so well despite the country being in the midst of a recession?  Congress develops policy for the entire nation… “Fargo is unique,” said Walaker in the English 120 interview.  Why is Fargo so different?  It is because the local banks and businesses are conservative in nature and honest in their business practices.  “Probably Norwegian stubbornness” he stated, laughing.