Our Interview with Mayor Walaker

What do students really need to understand about government?  The mayor stressed that we need to understand costs.  We need to realize that government is big because of the demands of the people.  People have created a huge government full of bureaucracy and it is a hard to overcome and change.  Pensions and health care costs are going up every month.  The country has a huge deficit.   People are tired of taxes but they need to realize that federal, state and local programs need funding and the funding comes from taxes.  The demand for services is increasing not decreasing, so the government is exactly what we have made it to be…large.

Leadership and the success of our communities comes from many sources, and we can be a part of our communities by taking an interest in political issues and understanding who they affect all of us.

“Why are we doing so well in North Dakota?” asked Shelby and Jay during their interview with the mayor.  “We have good, honest business practices, we are conservative by nature and want to pay off debt,” said Mayor Walaker, “We appreciate and encourage education.”

The leadership ability of the mayor was really demonstrated in his taking the time to visit with our English website group.   It really is an example of servant leadership, and setting an example.  Setting a good example is the best leadership of all.